An error occured. We can't verify if your theme licence is legit.
Don't worry, here are the solutions 👇
Check if the latest version of the theme is installed
To check if the latest version of the theme is installed, go on your Shopify dashboard.
Click on 'Online store' and check the version of the theme just under its name.
Verify on
this page
if it's correspond to the latest published version of the theme.
If it's the same, good job you've installed the latest version to date.
If it doesn't, start by update your theme by following
this tutorial.
Check if your subscription is still active
To check if your subscription is still active, go on
this page
Enter the mail with which you've bought the theme.
Once you're connected, you'll see your active subscription (if you've one), your past invoices, your past
payments, your credit card and others useful informations.
In almost all cases, if the problem comes from the subscription, it means that your credit card's
expiration date has arrived. You just have to update your payment informations.
Check if your domain has been entered in the admin panel
To check if your domain has been entered in the admin panel, go on
this page
As a reminder, your login informations has been send to you when you bought the theme (check your spam
Once you're connected, go on 'My domains' and add one domain or modify the existing one.
Don't forget to put your public domain like and not your myshopify domain.
If you've changed your public domain, don't forget to update it in the admin panel.
Rochie asimetrică ultra confortabilă - Canopille™
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4.8 out of 5
(192 recenzii)
Rochie asimetrică ultra confortabilă - Canopille™
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